Slow Travel

A First-Timer's Guide to Travelling on the Eurotunnel

A First-Timer's Guide to Travelling on the Eurotunnel

Now thirty years old, the Eurotunnel has spent three decades proving itself as a tried and tested mode of travelling to the Continent. And it succeeded. Linking southern England and northern France, this futuristic train (big enough to hold a full-sized lorry as well as a full fleet of family-filled cars) can whizz you from Folkestone to Calais in just 35 minutes. Sounds impossible, right? Well with this comprehensive guide to travelling on the Eurotunnel, you’ll see that it’s as easy as pie – or tarte tartin.

  1. A retro road trip
  2. A futuristic foray
  3. All aboard
  4. Blink and you’ll miss it
  5. Welcome to Calais


A retro road trip

Packing is frustrating. There, we’ve said it. Trying to shove a week's worth of clothes, shoes, bags and toiletries into a cabin-size suitcase no bigger than 1.83 x 1.17 x 0.75 ft – it’s almost impossible. Fortunately, on a retro road trip to Europe, all you need to do is bundle your bags into your car, crank up the tunes (we recommend Ça plane pour moi) and head down to Folkestone. Once there, it’s just a Flexiplus ticket – a fully flexible and refundable fare – and hassle-free boarding between you and northern France.


A futuristic foray

When we say hassle-free boarding, we really mean it. Travelling on the Eurotunnel has never been easier. The excellent signposting makes finding your lane effortless. Breathe in the air of excitement as you wait for your row of cars to be waved forward, all of them packed to the rafters with every summer essential (no luggage limits here). Then, before you know it, you'll be inching your way towards the train, which looks like something out of a dystopian Hunger Games-style film and has enough space for numerous double-decker buses. Once in the belly of the train, you can switch off your engine and relax. You’ve done it.


All aboard

Handbrake on and windows down, you’ll need to wait while your car wheels are strapped into place and you listen to the safety announcements. As you wait for the train to move, there're a good chance you'll get a spot of entertainment as ‘airport dads’ hop out to check their camera is in the boot one last time and their furry friends poke their snouts out of car windows (with a pet passport you can finally bring a four-legged friend along for the ride).


Blink and you'll miss it

As the train begins to pick up speed there's a burst of real excitement as your Eurotunnel holiday is officially underway. It’s likely, at this point, questions from the children will start: 'Are we moving yet?’ ‘Are we really under the sea?’ ‘Will I get to see any fish?’ Thankfully, you'll only have to endure it for 35 minutes and then you'll be in Calais. So speedy, in fact, your children won't have the time to ask the question all parents dread: ‘Are we nearly there yet?’


Welcome to Calais

As the train pulls into the Calais terminal, you’ll need to prepare yourself for the flurry of activity that ensues as the doors open. Once each car inches its way off the train again and you emerge on the Continent to sunny skies and a warm breeze (hopefully), you’ll be officially at the start of your European road trip.