What our clients say about us

All ratings shown below are from people who have travelled with us. Good or bad, reviews are published on the site, provided they respect our editorial charter.

Andrew - London

Published on 17/10/2023

Frances was charming, efficient, encouraging and helpful. This was a really well organised trip; very personal and it’s difficult to think of many improvements Original Travel could make. We hugely enjoyed it and would recommend the experience to anyone, especially Uzbekistan. The warmth of all of the people we met, drivers, guides and local people was quite outstanding, as was the generosity of our homestay hostesses.

Jean - London

Published on 02/11/2019

Your company has been fantastic and clearly your agents actually care about the company they work for. Competition in these niche markets must be hard but I must say you guys are way better than your competitors. I will have no hesitation in recommending you to my friends and family.

George - Leeds

Published on 22/07/2019

I really enjoy organising a holiday with you guys. The staff are so enthusiastic about their specialist area - it is inspiring and they always know the better places to stay as well.

Gregory - London

Published on 06/06/2018

Just wanted to say a big thank you for the beautifully arranged holiday we just had. It was great!! The hotels were lovely and the tours were fantastic.

Gabriel - Bristol

Published on 28/03/2018

Fantastic service from start to finish, everything thought of, and ultimately an amazing and unforgettable holiday!