
80 Senses #70... Cracking ice, Grey Glacier in Chile

80 Senses #70... Cracking ice, Grey Glacier in Chile

Crisis or cycle?


Grey Glacier in Chile

Something of a misnomer, the Grey Glacier in Chile is not grey (more a brilliant ice blue) and sadly not quite chilly enough judging by its recent and rapid retreat. Inappropriate puns aside, climate change prophets often use this enormous glacier's dramatic shrinkage as proof of global warming. Deniers naturally claim this is all part of the planet's regular temperature cycles, but when you are up close and personal - either on top of this immense ice sheet, or in a boat nearby - and you hear the loud groans and cracking of the ice, it's a pretty graphic reminder that something is up.


Hoping the deniers have got this one right...

We're not quite at 'visit before it's gone' status yet, but we're just hoping the deniers might have got this one right...